Super Smile


  • Simple
  • Very playful & fun
  • Promotes laughter
  • Builds energy & awareness


  • Nil


  1. Form a circle, including yourself.
  2. Challenge your group to record the fastest contagious smile ever!
  3. By way of demonstration, start your stopwatch and pass a big smile as you make eye contact with someone across the circle from you.
  4. Once this person smiles at you, start gently jumping up and down to indicate that the first smile has been sent.
  5. The person who received your smile, now passes a smile to a new person in the circle.
  6. The process of passing smiles continues until everyone in the circle has received a smile and passed a smile.
  7. When everyone is jumping on the spot, stop the time.
  8. Play for two or more rounds attempting to record the fastest contagious smile ever.
  9. Next, try a variation (see below.)



Latest Variations

Leadership Tips

SEL, Health & Wellness Ideas

Debrief Guide
